
Murphy Historical Society joins North Texas Giving Day (NTGD) for the fourth year. The Society needs donations to raise money to maintain Murphy's Historic Cemeteries.  Murphy Historical Society, a 501 (c) 3 organization, is the guardian of the Decatur/Maxwell/Murphy Cemetery, Murphy Family Cemetery, and the Herring-Hogge Cemetery.  Our passion is to preserve the great history of Murphy, Texas, and maintain the cemeteries by mowing, edging, weeding, and removing broken trees and limbs.  Cleaning and repairing the gravestones of our pioneer families is important to preservation efforts. It cost about $10,000 per year to care for the cemeteries.

Donations are accepted through NTGD. September 22 is the official giving day, but early donations are also accepted now.  Please go to our NTGD website to make your donations.  All proceeds from NTGD will be used to maintain and preserve our three historical cemeteries.

Additional information about our Save Murphy's Historical Cemeteries Campaign is on the website . The campaign culminates on October 8, from 9:00 am-2:00 pm with a fundraising event at the Decatur/Maxwell/Murphy Cemetery at 620 North Murphy Road.

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