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BOOK REVIEW: YOU WILL BE PETER by Jerry Lathan with Steven Manchester

You Will Be Peter


Jerry Lathan

with Steven Manchester


Finely woven historical biographical novel of the first leader of the Christian church.


You Will Be Peter is a new historical biographical novel by Jerry Lathan with Steven Manchester about the life and legacy of Simon bar Jonas, the man who history and the world would come to know as St. Peter. The authors breathe life into renowned historical figures, the descriptions of life at that time, the fabled settings and events of Jesus's earthly ministry, and the immediate aftermath, creating a vibrant and rich tale that had me engaged and emotionally connected from start to finish. Readers who are well familiar with the events will be just as mesmerized by the story as those who are not. 

The authors begin by establishing Simon's humble background, including providing a much-needed picture of the young wife he will leave behind over and over again in order to follow the Messiah. The story unfolds from multiple points of view, and readers will gain an understanding of Simon's hopes and dreams as a happy young man, making a living as a fisherman from the Sea of Galilee alongside his brother Andrew and best friends, John and James, and later, as he becomes a disciple of Christ and a confidante. 

I appreciated how well the events he witnessed and that were recorded in source documents, such as the Bible, are presented in an understandable, chronological order so that their spatial relationships made much better sense. Also, the authors do a great job distinguishing the major figures who had similar soundings or identical names at times. The ins and outs of daily life were interesting, and the disciples' faithful reliance on Jesus to provide for their needs, and did, was told in such a matter-of-fact and easy-to-see manner. The miracles happen throughout the story, both before and after Christ's crucifixion and resurrection, and as Peter begins his own ministry. There is suspense and heartbreak along the way, and it evokes a lot of emotion in the reading. 

I recommend YOU WILL BE PETER to readers of biblical fiction, historical fiction, or historical biographical novels, especially those interested in the lives of Christ, Peter, and the disciples and the founding of Christianity. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours.

Sunday, 05 January 2025