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Murphy Police Chief Trey Cotton with Plano East Varsity catcher Cade Johnson

Plano East Senior High School opened district play against Wylie High School Friday, March 16, at home with a special night to honor servicemen and women and first responders.  

US Navy Fire Controlman-Second Class Petty Officer Robert Storie, Plano Fire Captain Randy Stone, Murphy Police Chief Trey Cotten, and Plano Police Chief Gregory Rushin each threw out a ceremonial First Pitch to Varsity baseball players before the game.

“We’re honored to host these men and women who sacrifice so much to protect our families,” said Plano East Head Baseball Coach Jordan Byrd. “It’s important that the young men in our baseball program see what true leaders look like. We’re interested in more than just winning baseball games. We’re developing tomorrow’s leaders.” 

The honored guests were recognized on the field and stood with the team for the playing of the national anthem. Throughout the evening, other servicemen and women, veterans and first responders in attendance were recognized.

Caleb Hines was the starting pitcher, allowing only two hits and one run while striking out four batters. Plano East beat Wylie 4 – 3 with an exciting walk-off single in the bottom of the seventh inning by freshman shortstop Jake Jennings.

Other upcoming Plano East Baseball special events include the March 23 Teacher Appreciation Night, March 27 Cancer Awareness Night, April 6 Feeder School Night; and the April 21 Senior Celebration. Additional information is available at

The Plano East Baseball program is under the direction of Head Coach Jordan Byrd, Assistant Varsity Coach Scott Castleman, Junior Varsity Head Coach Michael Martinez, Assistant Junior Varsity Coach John Lubow, McMillen Head Coach Cole McLean, McMillen Assistant Coach Ryan Henderson, McMillen Assistant Coach Jason Leffler, Williams Head Coach Shane Kesler and Williams Assistant Coach Jonathan Gill.  

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